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MBA Masterclass: Does leadership translate cross-culturally?


MBA Masterclass: Does leadership translate cross-culturally?

Does leadership translate cross-culturally? How can I successfully demonstrate cross-culturally sensitive leadership?

In this masterclass, Prof Peter Morgan will explore key issues around leadership and cultural differences. While much leadership research has been undertaken in the Western world and the Northern Hemisphere, with relative agreement on what leadership achieves, the question arises: do cultural differences affect the effectiveness of certain leadership styles? The session will cover the following topics:
• What is leadership and what makes it successful?
• How do cultures differ? (including real-life experiences)
• How do cultural differences affect leadership effectiveness?

Presenter: Prof Peter Morgan is an Associate Professor and Curriculum Lead in Leadership and Management, Coventry University.

General info: The MBA with a specialised pathway in Global Trade and Investment in partnership with the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC) is a bespoke programme exclusive to CWEIC Strategic Partners, as well as the wider trade and investment network in the Commonwealth. This bespoke course builds on the Coventry MBA in developing practice and creating sustainable long-term value by embedding a Social Business Field experience to one of Coventry University’s Global Hubs, as part of the course. This masterclass will be followed with a short introduction to the CWEIC MBA and will allow for Q&A.