Dr Sumon Chowdhury

Country Director, Bangladesh

Dr Sumon Chowdhury is a prominent industrialist, entrepreneur and business leader in Bangladesh. He is known for his innovative ideas and contributions to the steel manufacturing industry. He is the chairman of RRM Group.

Dr Chowdhury is a prominent industrialist, entrepreneur and business leader in Bangladesh. He is known for his innovative ideas and contributions to the steel manufacturing industry. He is the chairman of RRM Group.

Alongside business he is active in the economic development of Bangladesh and philanthropic activities. He established the RRM Foundation and operates an orphanage in Dhaka. He holds various positions in social development activities and business organisations. He is the Secretary General of the Bangladesh Steel Manufacturing Association (BSMA), Director of Lt. Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club, Vice President of the Bangladesh Steel Mills Owner Association, and the General Body Member of the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industries (FBCCI).