

Arqit is dedicated to stronger, simpler encryption for networked devices, protecting the data of governments, enterprises, and citizens. Arqit supplies a unique quantum safe encryption Platform-as-a-Service which makes the communications links or data of any networked device or cloud machine secure against current and future forms of attack – even from a quantum computer.

Arqit’s QuantumCloud™ platform, enables any device to download a lightweight software agent, which creates highly secure symmetric encryption keys that protect data in transit and at rest. The platform, which is designed for the cloud and a world of connected devices, enables organisations to simplify and strengthen their encryption on a global basis, without the need to trust third parties.

The newest product, TradeSecure™, uses advanced cryptography and distributed ledger technology to enable businesses to finance their supply chains using highly secure referenceable digital negotiable instruments thereby enabling them to secure their supply chains and improve their cash flow at the same time. Arqit was proud to lead an international consortium to deliver the world’s first cross-border quantum-safe digital trade transaction between the UK and Singapore. The transaction involved the exchange of electronic trade documents, including a digital promissory note and an electronic bill of lading (eBL), and could be replicable across other Commonwealth trade corridors.


Dominic Broom

Dominic Broom

Senior Vice-President, Working Capital Technology
