Icegold Marketing joins CWEIC

The Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council is pleased to welcome Icegold Marketing as its newest Strategic Partner. Icegold Marketing is a commodities marketing and promotions company based in London and operating worldwide. The company accepts commodities purchase orders from prospective buyers globally and has business affiliates in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and Australia. The… Continue reading Icegold Marketing joins CWEIC

CHOGM 2021 Dates Announced

The President of Rwanda HE Paul Kagame and Commonwealth Secretary-General The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland have today announced the new date for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) which was to have been held in Kigali in June 2020 but was postponed because of the impact of COVID-19. The new date agreed with member… Continue reading CHOGM 2021 Dates Announced

CWEIC Network expands into Latin America

CWEIC has signed an agreement with Brennan & Partners, a firm with expertise in international business development.

Call for Commonwealth countries to sign the “Vaccine for the Common Good Campaign” pledge

CWEIC Board member Mohamed Amersi and Professor Muhammad Yunus

In the latest webinar of CWEIC’s Leadership Series, Professor Muhammad Yunus called for the COVID-19 vaccine to be declared a ‘global common good’.